The thermometer for our bathtub is no longer working. The button that turns on the digital readout cracked and let water into the electronic parts. I'm having to use one of the thermometer ducks (that only turns white when the water is too hot) and my instincts from several weeks worth of getting bath water just right. I'm not liking the flying blind thing. I like knowing they bath water temperature.
Any suggestions for good bath thermometers?
2025-01-19 playlist & stream
2 days ago
We stopped using our temp duckie b/c the stupid duck likes it too cold. I just use common sense and Carter's reaction.
we haven't used a thermometer since my oldest was a baby. instincts and common sense work just as well!
We never used one I always went by the what it felt like on my wrist. I did have parents of kids that I watched that used them though, BUT if you have a regular electric thermometer that uses those plastic sleeves you can use that to get the water temp
I use the rubber ducky too sometimes, but usually just test the waters with my elbow. Peyton likes it a little on the warm side. Not too warm though.
Hey, found these thermometers for you
and one like you had I imagine
I LOVE that catalog
Hey found another turtle one on LTD
Thanks for the advice. I think I am going to try it without a net (or thermometer) for a bit and see how I do. So far so good.
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