Thursday, September 6, 2007

You can't spell class with it. . .

We started our labor and delivery classes this week (Tuesday).

Waste of time.

I think we would have been better served with a book on the subject and a yoga class. Didn't learn anything new, had to lay on the hard floor whilst some retired nurse tried to hypnotize us, and at some point we're going to be lectured on breast feeding. . . it's not that I'm against breast-feeding or anything (I love anything involving breasts), I just know some people who were unable to do so, and likely my wife won't be able to do it for longer than a month (it's hard to pump when your office is a 1st grade classroom). She's not very helpful. We've all read the books, we know what we're doing, tell us stuff we don't know yet.

"So guys the answer to the pain is deep breathing. I ask you Is there anything we can tell them that they won't believe?!" That's from a show called Coupling. Anyone pregnant should rent, TiVO or just watch on BBC America the 4th season of Coupling. You should really watch all the seasons (or series). It's a great show, but season 4 is all about the main couple going through pregnancy. Some good insights.

On a side note, I got to meet my friend Janice this week. She doesn't seem to think she looks pregnant, but I do. I knew her as soon as I saw her at the restaurant last night. The 3 of us went out for ice cream, after the business dinner, and talked baby stuff. . . it was fun.


Anonymous said...

Yeah I will agree those classes are a waste of time. Let me tell you when you do go into labor you don't remember a thing they tell you. You are just thinking of what is this pain and how can I get rid of it. LOL

Tell you wife too that breastfeeding is challenging. I could only do it for a week because I had what you call a "baracuda baby" also known as an agressive eater. So it was very difficult for me. I plan on trying it again with Peyton, but not holding my breath. I think more power to the women that can. I would recommend taking the BF classes because they are helpful if that is what she wants to do. Our first son was bottle fed and he is one smart cookie. Good luck to you both.

on holy ground said...

hey, a month of breastfeeding is better than nothing! pumping is a huge pain and i never produced much for the pump so i chose to do formula while i was working and nurse in the morning and evenings. that was a good solution for us, with both of my girls. seems like a lot of the experts are of the all-or-nothing mentality with it comes to nursing, which is a bummer because it's totally possible to do both!

on holy ground said...

and check out this shirt...

JayJayGhatt said...

HM.... sounds like you didn't see the gross live birth video or the demonstration of episiotomy!