Monday, September 13, 2010

How do I put this? . . .

This is the poster I hung up at work, it's a parody
of a book we publish.
It's an all too familiar feeling for me. . . having to go to your parents to tell them you did something and feeling like you are in trouble. As a kid, it was often because I was in trouble (like the time a friend and I snuck out, only to get caught by a cop and marched back to our houses). That sinking feeling that you did something, not so much wrong, but something that will change your whole life. Like getting caught cheating on an important test; the result of which will prevent you from getting into college (not that that happened to me).

Only in this case it's a good thing. You did something you were supposed to do, but you still feel like a kid in the principal's office telling your side of what happened during recess and how it wasn't your fault.

So you look for a fun way to break the news but they all fall a little flat. You think of how to break the news and somehow shift the blame from yourself. You don't want to say any of the key words because that would make it all too real. Then when you add it all up you're left with. . .

"Mom. . . dad. . . your grandson is going to be a big brother."

1 comment:

Muliebrity said...

Congrats, Wyatts!

I hated telling my parents too. After all those years of telling me not to have sex, it just seems strange for them to be happy I actually did...